Sweetwater Creek State Park, Georgia


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"This popular nature area offers a mix of habitats -- an upland hardwood forest,   
beautiful creekside granite outcroppings, and a rushing stream bordered by native azaleas."
~ description of Line Creek Nature Area on the Southern Conservation Trust website


Line Creek is one of eight public nature areas in Fayette County administered by the Southern Conservation Trust. It is free and open to everyone for hiking, fishing, picnicking, and just enjoying nature.

While Sweetwater Creek State Park has been my "go-to" favorite place the past few years for longer trail hikes, Line Creek is more convenient for shorter trail hikes because it's so close to home. I recorded sixteen hikes there this year, usually just me and one of our dogs but also sometimes with Jim or a friend and a second dog.

Me and my trail buddy, Don (6-6-22)

This small linear park borders the east side of Line Creek, the dividing line between Peachtree City/Fayette County and Coweta County in this area. There are about three miles of well-maintained trails for hiking.

No bicycles are allowed but occasionally I see evidence they've been ridden on parts of the trail.

The city-wide network of "cart" (multi-use) paths accesses the nature area, as well as roads from nearby Hwy. 54.

A shady picnic area with a gazebo, pond, and fishing pier is located near the parking area, which has a real restroom now (formerly just a portable potty). A wet area with boardwalks and trails is on the other side of the entrance road:

I always take one of our Labs, usually Dapper Don, with me on one- to -three-mile hikes at Line Creek. He's my favorite trail buddy because he's so good either on- or off-leash.

There are some places where I like to take photos of Don by the creek or up on boulders, and of course every time we go by those spots he wants a treat! He's so good about photo ops that he always gets a reward. He never forgets any of those places.

Above and below:  Two favorite photo stops (11-26-22 and 1-12-22)

Don isn't interested in getting into the creek unless we're hiking with a water-loving canine friend like Moses, Laura's young Golden retriever. Then he's a little more adventurous:

Moses (L) and Don (6-6-22)

Jim or I also take Holly and Casey to Line Creek a few times a year.

Holly is pretty easy to walk on a leash and can be trusted off-leash when we let her swim. This is not a good place for her to swim, however, because of all the pollutants in the creeks around here. In addition, she has elbow dysplasia and could hurt herself on the slick rock slabs in the creek.

Even though Casey is ten now, she can walk farther than Holly. Problem is, she's more impulsive and it's hazardous to walk with her on a leash on rocky, rooty trails. We rarely trust her off-leash on a trail because she'll chase anything that moves and her recall isn't perfect. We did let her off-leash to play in the creek in the photo below:

Casey (L) looks like she's telling Don, "C'mon in, chicken!"  (4-26-22)

Here are more Line Creek scenes from spring to fall:

Yellow jessamine  (3-24-22)


Spidorwort (L) and wild Japanese iris  (4-20-22)


Wild azalea (4-20-22)

Pretty shrub (4-20-22)

Above and below:  Line Creek flows into Lake McIntosh, one of three man-made reservoirs in the city.


Autumn colors along Line Creek near its outlet into McIntosh Lake (11-26-22)

Fall leaves (10-16-22)

Continued on the next page:  Peachtree City scenes from the multi-use path system

Happy trails,

"Runtrails & Company" - Sue Norwood, Jim O'Neil, Casey-Girl, Holly-Holly, & Dapper Don

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© 2022 Sue Norwood and Jim O'Neil
