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"The waterfront in Valdez is set up to accommodate fishermen as well as visitors out 
for a stroll. Restaurants, shops, and boat and kayak rentals line one side of 
North Harbor Drive, while across the street the pubic promenade
offers fine views of -- and access to -- the Small Boat Harbor."
~ The 2011 Milepost Alaska Travel Planner, p. 644

In the last two entries I've shown some photos of the waterfront area of Valdez, which is situated in a beautiful glacial fjord at the north end of Prince William Sound.

The water plays an important role in the life of the city, its residents, and its visitors. As the northernmost year-round deepwater port in the world it offers significant commercial and recreational opportunities.

I think this gorgeous Sound is probably the main reason most travelers come to Valdez.

Here's another look at the main harbor area. Large ships dock farther to the east. The
terminal for tankers carrying oil from the Alyeska Pipeline are to the south on Dayville Rd.

I've already mentioned lots of ideas for water-related things visitors can do in Valdez, from simply enjoying the magnificent scenery and watching the flurry of boating activity from one end of the harbor to the other . . .  to getting out on the water yourself on a ferry, tour boat, or small recreational watercraft like a sea kayak or motorboat.

Leisurely walks and bike rides along the waterfront are a lot of fun.

Since there was too much snow on the trails for me to hike up into the mountains above Valdez my favorite activity here was walking or riding my bike along the waterfront. I did that all three days we were here, even when it was raining a little bit.

I was fascinated with the whole scene. The variety of boats that were docked, as well as those coming and going, captured my imagination -- large commercial fishing trawlers, small personal fishing boats, oil tankers, international cargo ships, a huge passenger ship, ferries, tour boats, sailboats, kayaks . . .

View of the small boat harbor from South Harbor Drive

Kayaks begging to be rented

The setting seemed so peaceful while we were there (a little rain but no storm) and the ring of surrounding snow-topped mountains was simply stunning with the water in the foreground from either North or South Harbor Drive.

People come here from all over Alaska, the Lower 48, and other countries to fish. It was fun to watch them cleaning the fish they'd caught -- and the birds hoping to snare some scraps for supper:

At a public fish-cleaning station the sign proclaims, "The fishing is great in Valdez."
A whole lot of people think it is. (We don't fish but we liked the fresh-caught salmon we bought.)



This entry is mostly a photo gallery of scenes along the waterfront in Valdez. I'll include captions when I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. <grin>

Otherwise, I'll let the photos speak for themselves or let more informed readers figure out what's shown.

View from under the canopy at the ferry terminal

Here's one of those numbered fire hydrants I mentioned earlier. This is #435.
I haven't seen those anywhere else in my travels.

Above and below:  A covered ramp leads down to the small boat harbor.


Above and below:  This is a hoist to get boats into/out of the water from the parking area.


Some boats are stored in the parking lot at the small boat harbor, rather than in the water.

Several commercial fishing boats are lined up here.

Part of the municipal dock

Boat loading or unloading at the end of the municipal dock

Port of Valdez office

Piers along the shipping port



Beautiful view of the bay from Dock Point Park

A closer look at the rocks in the water

Distant view of the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal across the bay

Water lovers, are you ready to head to Valdez yet??

Next entryscenes from the trails and bike path

Happy trails,

"Runtrails & Company" - Sue Norwood, Jim O'Neil, and Cody the ultra Lab

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© 2012 Sue Norwood and Jim O'Neil
