Rocky Mountain Journal
"I'm just wondering and hoping, do you have a 2007 summer plan? I've
enjoyed your adventures and keep checking in to see if the next one has
started. I hope you're both feeling good and itch'n to get on the road.
I'll keep checking back."
e-mail from Jenny, Ontario, Canada, May 2007
Oh, the pressure!!
We’re baaack
. . .
finally. Getting this year’s journal on-line has been
a major project, even though I started writing entries back
in January. My excuses are just too much else going on in our lives at
home in Virginia, a lot of procrastination, and some major (but mostly
unseen) changes regarding our web site.
But now I’m ready to write again!
I love writing and photography almost as much as I
love running and travel. Two years ago Jim helped me accomplish
a life-long dream:
running and hiking the Appalachian Trail. I began keeping an on-line
journal on this web site, which Jim had already developed, so friends
and relatives could keep up with our progress on the journey run. That
was so much fun that I wrote another journal last year documenting our running adventures (and misadventures) out West during
the summer.
We’re heading back to Wyoming and Colorado tomorrow for
another summer of camping and running in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
You can expect to see lots more photos of gorgeous mountain scenery and
ultra races in Wyoming and Colorado. Come tag along as we venture out
onto new trails and meet new people
We'll also revisit some of our favorite places from
last year near Silverton, Leadville, and the Bighorn Mountains. For
example, I can't wait to show Jim this view from Segment 24 of the
Colorado Trail:

View from the Continental Divide into Elk Creek Valley. 7-11-06
In many ways this journal will be similar to
last year’s, but hopefully there will
be less drama to report. It will be nice if there are no rattlesnake
bites, blown camper tires, treacherous mountaintop storms, or 100-mile
DNFs this time. On the other hand, I hope our summer is interesting enough to
satisfy our own thirst for adventure and to keep readers coming back for
more. We’re still getting hits on the web site from folks all over the
USA and around the world – the pressure remains to inform, inspire, and
Upcoming entries will document our training and races
since last year’s journal ended, our new plans, gear and nutrition
reviews, health concerns, and other things that pop into my head
Some of those entries will be uploaded out of order but with the dates
they really occurred. I apologize in advance for any confusion that
I'll have an
entry soon regarding the gear and energy products we'll be using this
year. For now, I'll briefly mention the three companies who've been
generous enough to "sponsor" us at various levels.
We are grateful for another year of product discounts
Hammer Nutrition,
whose energy drinks, gels, and electrolyte capsules
we’ve used for many years. If you use our customer number you can get a
15% discount on your first order from them, and we get a discount on OUR
next order = win-win.
A new sponsor this year is
Sam Medical Supplies. We’ve used some of their Blist-O-Ban bandages since
the 2005 AT run to prevent blisters on our feet. Fortunately, we don’t
have major problems with blisters. These unique bandages come in handy
when needed, though. In February we got a letter from a company sales
rep who had found references to the bandages on our web site, and I was
brazen enough to ask for some free ones in exchange for putting their
logo on our site. Thanks, Sam Medical, for some free bandages.
I’m not sure if we still have
Montrail shoe sponsorship since Krissy Moehl left the company
last July after it was taken over by Columbia. We stockpiled
enough discounted shoes then to last us this year and we haven’t
approached the new running rep yet about a continued discount.
Regardless, we’ll continue to wear and promote their shoes on our web
site because they’ve worked so well for us the last ten years or more.

Jim and Cody enjoy the Bighorn Mtns. near the Porcupine Ranger
Station. 6-8-06
This is our third ultra and adventure running journal
on this web site. You can link to the other two at left. In addition,
Jim has lots of other running links on the home page.
I come up with most of the journaling and photos and
Jim makes it all look good on the screen! He’s entirely self-taught, and
we’ve been grateful for the assistance of our friend, Eric, who recently
introduced us to the concept of “frames” to help enhance navigation
around the site and reduce our maintenance chores. Thanks, Eric! (More
about how our adventures inspired Eric to became an ultra runner in the Capon Valley 50K entry - we're a bad influence, I'm afraid!)
Each journal has its own topics page, which is the
easiest place to find any entry you want. The
2005 AT journal
is so long that you can
spend weeks on it – and I haven’t even finished all the photo essays
yet. There aren’t very many photos in the daily entries because I wrote
them each evening after being on the Trail all day. Let’s just say it
was intense.
I took over 3,000 photos during the AT trek. I’ve
begun a
“virtual tour” of the Trail at the “More
Photos” link but A/O May, 2007 there are only Georgia, N.
Carolina, Tennessee, and half of the Virginia photos uploaded. (Don’t
worry; I won’t include all 3,000+ photos.) Stay tuned. One of my goals
this summer is to finish that project.
2006 Rocky Mountain journal has fewer entries than the AT journal but more
photos are included in each of them. This year’s journal will be
similar in that regard. Perhaps I’ll also do a “virtual tour” of the entire Colorado
Trail on the Picasa site after I’ve finished it this year, and tempt more folks to hike and
run it. I took a lot more photos than I included on this site (aren't
digital cameras great??).
We hope you enjoy this year’s journal. We’d love to
hear from you. There is a
link to contact us
on the left. We’ll have our laptop computer with us
all summer but may not have internet access every day because we’ll be
camping in mostly remote locations. We’ll answer e-mails and upload
entries every few days as we have time and access.
Heading West tomorrow,
"Runtrails & Company" - Sue Norwood, Jim O'Neil, Cody, and
© 2007 Sue Norwood and Jim O'Neil
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